Monthly Archives: March 2014



We used to say that, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and even as children we knew that meant someone, sometime would love us and see what we really are. Both boys and girls tried to make themselves -maybe not beautiful, but as attractive as possible. Girls could hardly wait to wear lipstick and maybe the boys would notice. If we complained to our moms that we wished we were pretty we were told, “Beauty is as beauty does.” By that we learned that character had as much to do with beauty as did looks. Both outsides and insides were covered.

I thought about all this because I went to get my hair cut yesterday. I wish words could adequately describe the “hairdresser” I was given. She had long “claw” bangs dyed neon pink, the sides of her head were dark and shaved about three inches up, the rest of her black hair was longer and ran down the center of her head like a dead animal. Added to that were the piercings just down from the corners of her mouth, which were shiny black. I didn’t check the tats. All I could think was, “Whatever happened to beauty?”

The question is probably more along the lines of “When and why did people deliberately choose to be bizarre, wild, weird, strange, unattractive or ugly, anything but beautiful? I know, I know, some of them are wonderful, love cats, and wouldn’t hurt a flea. Nonetheless, they make themselves so unattractive at times one has to wonder about their sanity. Even some naturally beautiful people make the worst of themselves.

Remember, you who are older, when NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC writers and photographers would travel the world and bring back stories of tribal customs that distorted bodies, particularly women’s bodies? The rings stacked up around women’s necks to make them long and “beautiful”; or the plates in female lips that made them stick out so far as to make them useless. Even the Chinese foot fetish that killed and maimed women for hundreds of years are examples of how far out of kilter people can get in search of supposed “beauty.” Funny, one thinks about genital mutilation today as being even more ignorant, and yet people tolerate it. I am not a Feminist, but one does have to wonder about men who have no respect for women and force cultural norms upon them that result in pain and degradation.

Men’s excesses today tend to be in the realm of huge body tattoos, which I personally find unattractive, and to ear gages and piercings. I had a friend who told me he once thought about getting tats, but decided to try phony ones first. He used the phonies one time and thought about living with them the rest of his life. He decided he didn’t need tats after all.  Good choice.

If beauty were just a matter of physical attractiveness, or lack thereof, it might be easier to understand, but to go out and hear filthy thoughtless language, hateful hand gestures, and loud pornographic music directed against women, UGH!

Ugliness seems to top all the charts today.



Now Obama wants to have favored groups, people of color, receive specialized training to prepare for jobs. Funny about that. People of non-color get no such special treatment. Obama uses the biblical sounding group name “Brothers’ Keepers” for his new protected class. In what sense is this a biblical concept?

Did God tell Cain that he WAS his brother’s keeper? Do any of us really want to be our brothers’s keepers? Do YOU want to be “kept?” What is a “keeper” anyway? We should remember that there are keepers who restrict  freedom and even imprison others.

Cain killed Abel, his brother, because he coveted his property and his standing with God. When he was confronted by God who asked where his brother was, he tried to change the subject. Cain was the one who  challenged God by asking, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  The answer is of course not, but he WAS his brother’s murderer.

What exactly do we owe our brothers? To do them no physical harm nor cause them mental anguish; to not steal ANYTHING from them, INCLUDING their spouses or children, nor their property; to not bear false witness against them or ruin their good name; to covet NOTHING that is theirs. There go those Ten Commandments again. God’s prescription for civilized society.

Most of the time we should just leave our brothers and sisters alone. Let them live their lives as they desire. We do have a responsibility to be civil and aid our neighbors in their need. But once the aid is given it is not our place to enslave each other. If our aid includes gifts, it is not up to us to tell our brothers how they must use that gift. Their property, once they have received it, is their own to use as they see fit. If you think your gift has been misused then don’t throw your help that way again.

We are “keepers” of our young children until they are able to care for themselves, and, insofar as we are able, we must care for those who are incapacitated. Again, we only do what our brothers NEED and ASK of us and what will not weaken them.

Politicians and government should NEVER be our keepers, however much they pretend to be the only ones capable of helping.

If you wish to support a charity you should investigate where its money really goes. Several charities have high overhead and leaders who make VERY large salaries. We can all be fooled but we can try to be careful. Many years ago Bear and I wanted to find a group that helped children. We received heart-rending appeals from a religious order showing the priests holding and feeding stick-thin African babies with huge bellies and flies on their faces. I actually had the checkbook out to make a donation when I heard on radio news that the very group I was addressing was facing indictment for theft and that NONE of their donations were actually used to help anyone but themselves.

Do not, as a rule, make charitable donations to a government entity. Find a private charity you trust and follow its record carefully.

We may not be our brothers’ keepers, but we should be generous when disaster strikes and our help is needed.



The use of the word “crave” in the Tanakh translation is illuminating. My reaction to “covet” is strong, but to “crave” something hits me in the gut. Covet sounds like it could be a longing from afar, almost like a “wish” for something, but a craving sounds beastly and uncontrollable. That may be because of drug associations with the word. The King James Version is different still and uses the word “desire” in relation to  your neighbor’s wife, and “covet” where the Tanakh uses “crave.” Our grandson and Bear both find covet to be a stronger word.

At any rate, the commandment is very clear that we are not to desire, crave, or covet our neighbor’s family, property or goods of any kind. Bear says that should cover all the bases.

I cannot help but think that of all the commandments that deal with our relationships to our “neighbors” or fellow men, this particular one is presented last in order for a purpose. This one warns us of the beginnings of sin that lead to greater sin: bearing false witness, stealing, adultery and murder, all the ways we can harm one another, and we have already been told not to do those things.

When we wake up and find ourselves taking the path of covetousness, while we still have the capability and strength to see clearly our need to repent, we must do so and stop our downward slide into those greater sins.

In our youth, many of us succumb to jealousy over the beauty, poise or apparent riches of others. Teenagers may feel ugly, unloved and stupid, and so jealousy of others takes over. This is one of the reasons youth require much positive training and reinforcement in proper behavior. At any age, though, we all need to learn to restrain jealousy. Keeping any of The Ten Commandments takes self awareness and self control, virtues disdained in our society today. Many seem to have fallen into a degree of hedonism that can lead to the destruction of civil society if we do not reverse course.

Do not covet anything that is thy neighbor’s also has political repercussions as class warfare is used to divide us as a people. Do you think another’s money should be confiscated by tax policy to be given to others? Do you really believe that redistribution of wealth is a worthy goal? Who gets to decide what you do with what you have earned?

How should charity be handled, by the heavy hand of government, or by individuals acting freely out of love for their fellow men? Where is the most individual growth fostered?

Do not covet that which is not yours, and become adult enough to work for your own daily bread.



What, exactly, is false witness? Lying about someone? Destroying someone? Does false witness only happen under oath and in a courtroom? Who are the neighbors we shouldn’t bear false witness against?

Even if false witness is a legal technicality, should we be lying about anyone at all, ever? Of course not. But sometimes we repeat what we believe to be the truth in order to warn against “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

In some circumstances it is hard to know when to be silent and when to speak. There have been times in my life when I was not told about the dangers I faced, even though others knew what I was up against. And other times I have been told lies about someone out of spite.

In a court of law a person is sworn under oath to speak the truth and can be charged with perjury if they lie. But what do you call it when a public official lies about an opponent? If there is a policy disagreement there should be open debate about the policy. To knowingly manufacture lying stories and accuse another of crimes without a shred of evidence is another matter. When Harry Reid accused Mitt Romney of not paying taxes based purely on hearsay I felt like he was doing more than lying, he was bearing false witness.

Because of his past actions I can no longer believe one word said by Harry Reid, and by so saying I am not bearing false witness against him since his words are said to mislead and harm others. Anyone can see his lies, and those who don’t need to be warned.

Some things that are said are nothing more than spiteful gossip. I think a rule here is to decide if what you hear is based on a “need to know” for protection from harm or if it has only a prurient interest. Ask yourself, “Why do I possibly need to know this?” And if there is no compelling reason, then just let the matter go.

When and why do you need to know when false witness is given? When you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm, when you can help to vindicate the falsely accused, and when a false swearer must be held accountable for his or her lies.

And who is your neighbor? As technology shrinks the world and gives us the ability to contact anyone, anyplace at all, it would seem that we are all truly neighbors. We are further commanded to love our neighbors as we also love ourselves. The Golden Rule applies here, then do the same to others as you would be done by.


THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT:  YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, Deuteronomy 5:10. Tanakh Version, JPS.

One would think of this commandment as self evident in creating a civilized society. No such luck. Stealing has been a problem since humanity began. In ways large and small there are people who can always justify “taking” what they want or think they “need.” Is it a new pen, change from the cash drawer, shop lifting, or embezzling from the boss that tempts you? Would you get a thrill out of breaking and entering? Would you do it because you “deserve” more things or because “everybody else does it?”

Cain’s anger and choice to steal his brother’s flocks led directly to murder. How many murders today are the result of first deciding to steal?

Reading recently about the woman chosen to head ObamaCare in Colorado who has been indicted for embezzling massive amounts from a federal housing program in Wyoming leaves me scratching my head. It’s simply startling what people think they have a right to, and what they will do for financial gain. Some of them get away with their predations for many years and seem to never get caught. Some in the Government are known by Department heads to be padding accounts, double-dipping, and getting paid for personal travel for years and yet they receive no punishment at all when they are finally publicly exposed. They may even get promoted or simply transferred.

How much of the public debt has accrued because of theft and malfeasance all down the line? There is mind numbing malfeasance and outright theft by elected and appointed officials, and administrators within the bureaucracy, and recipients of government contracts and programs. Virtually penniless elected officials become millionaires, if not billionaires, and no one says a word.

In the end stealing leads not just to dishonor, fines or jail time for the thief, it also leads to a gradual breaking down of inhibitions in all who are willing to steal for their own gain. If the man at the top is willing to lie, cheat and steal, then the restraints that inhibit such behavior in others below him weaken and gross immorality occurs.

I have often wondered about Adolph Hitler’s underlings. If there had been no Hitler, would Eichmann, for instance, have been just a faceless bureaucrat all his days? Would the men who carelessly murdered and maimed their fellow citizens in the name of the state have been the animals they were? The same questions could be asked in any bureaucracy that falls into lawlessness. The old saying that, “A fish rots from the head down” is only the truth.

The public loss of confidence in the honesty and integrity of members of the government is another symptom of rot at the top. The corruption may take time to filter through society, but filtered or not, it does continue to taint all down the line and becomes public knowledge. TRUTH will out and eventually shine through to those who have open eyes to see and ears to hear. Many eyes and ears are beginning to open. Every honest citizen has begun to wonder if there is anyone at all in government worthy of trust.

God Himself has told His people not to steal. He knows how sin weakens us and always leads to greater sinning. Theft makes slaves of us all.





Now that Alaska has its own scandalous medical situation, I wonder how many other states and hospitals are as sleazy as Boston Children’s Hospital. When the word finally got out that the “doctor” who diagnosed Justina Pelletier with Somatoform Disorder was in the United States to complete his medical training and had been at the hospital for only seven months, all kinds of red flags got raised for me.

First of all, this guy would probably be only a resident. That means he is not even yet a full-fledged doctor of anything. My experience with residents has been less than wonderful at times.

When our daughter was at Boston Children’s she had a resident come in and tell her that they would not give her her thyroid medication because her blood tests indicated she was fine and didn’t have any thyroid problems at all. She told him she had been taking the medication for two years and that was why her levels were normal, so if they took her off she would no longer be “fine.” He continued to argue but finally conceded the point and gave her the medicine. Why should she have had to defend herself? If the guy had any brains at all the situation should have been obvious.

One of the worst problems with residents is they tend to think they know it all and many of them stay that close minded in spite of what happens around them.

For the life of me I cannot understand how this “doctor” at Boston’s has been given leeway to do what he has done. And where has his supervising physician been in this mess?

The DFS in Massachusetts has been less than stellar in their handling of Justina’s case. For them now to say their goal has “always” been to do what’s best for Justina and reunite her with her family as soon as possible is a complete joke. Who does anyone believe anymore? Any patient, or their guardian, at any time has the right to request a second, third, or fourth opinion, and they also have the right to leave a hospital when their needs are not met.

And Judge Johnston needs to be thoroughly investigated. Who does he think he is and what conceivable right does he have to issue a “gag order” in such a matter?

This whole case is such a travesty, both medically and legally. Whatever can be done to restore trust in a hospital with such policies? I sincerely hope Justina’s family sues the hospital, the doctors and the state of Massachusetts, and that they sign no non-disclosure agreements.

In the Alaska case, I know that if our Governor does not at least speak out soon, I will work tirelessly against his reelection, and when the judge comes before voters for retention I will work just as tirelessly against him. When the names of the doctors are known I think they should be sued, individually and as a group. I will never again set a foot in any Providence medical facility if I can possibly help it.

What are the laws in your state governing what the medical profession can do to you? You might check out your state’s Youth and Family Services while you’re at it.



My father-in-law worked caring for hogs when he attended college at UCDavis for a degree in Animal Husbandry. He observed that the hogs he supplemented with cod liver oil were more healthy and sleek than those who were not given the supplement. He decided that if the oil was good for the hogs it was also good for him, so every day for the rest of his long, long life he took cod liver oil.

After graduating from college he returned to the family ranch in California’s Napa Valley and became a dairyman. After a few years he said he got tired of being “married” to the cows, moved into town and opened a creamery, buying milk from local sources. He agreed that pasteurization was necessary but felt that homogenization was a mistake. He said that drinking milk with different sizes and shapes of butterfat was much better for human consumption than that with uniform sizes. At the time we discussed this matter we had no idea that soon all fats would be declared harmful to human health. That is another pronouncement that medicine will soon regret.

Many people are now beginning to recognize that raw unhomogenized milk is much better for humans than what one can buy at the grocery store. Where you are allowed to buy raw milk is another matter. The full force of the almighty federal government has been sent out against one honest Amish farmer for his sale of raw milk. Big Brother always knows best so you and I no longer have choice in the matter.

If, in fact, Pop was right we should still be letting the cream rise to the top, skimming it off for other, perhaps better, purposes and using whole unhomogenized milk. Perhaps we would all be more healthy.

Homogenization within a society is another matter of great concern every citizen needs to seriously consider.

It hardly seems acceptable today to celebrate individualism. As much as we discuss “diversity” it seems some types of diversity are undesirable in our society and people who profess certain opinions are considered unworthy. Hasty prejudgements are made in political debate, and false witness is borne against leaders in opposing political parties. Only those with cast iron souls seem to survive the lies hurled at them. Science has been politicized to the end that few survive the lies and slurs made against their work and good names.

Maybe we all need a good dose of cod liver oil to make our bodies and minds clear and healthy, and none of us should desire the homogenization of our society. You might love NASCAR, I might prefer going to the opera, that is entirely up to us, and it is certainly not the business of anyone else to  make that decision for us.

We all have gifts and intelligence to offer as we pursue our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of OUR individual happiness.